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Working in Manufacturing: Writing a Resume
August 10, 2022 6:30:00 PM

When applying to manufacturing jobs, having a great resume is the best way to get a foot in the door and the first step to your manufacturing career. Below we have some tips to help your resume stand out and get a call from the interviewer.

Without a doubt, one of the most daunting tasks when applying for jobs is writing a resume. How do you format it? What do you need to include, and what do you need to leave out? Those answers all depend on what job you are applying for, as different careers have different qualifiers. MAU works a lot with people looking to build a career in manufacturing, and we have seen a lot of resumes. One of the biggest mistakes people make is not including traits that make them stand out. Writing a resume can be difficult, but with proper formatting, you’ll be much more likely to get that call for an interview. Below are some of the best tips we’ve gathered over the years to ensure you’ll get that manufacturing job.

Do Your Research
Research shows that once a hiring manager opens your resume, you only have 10-20 seconds to impress them! So, make sure your most relevant skills and job experience are listed at the top of your resume. Research the job you’re applying for and find out what qualities are needed for the position.

Your resume should display how you have the skills needed for the job and find out what particular skills manufacturers are looking for to allow you to direct the focus on how you can help in manufacturing. Avoid submitting the same resume to every job you’re applying for. Carefully read each job description and make sure that your resume includes the necessary experience and skills required to apply.

Write It to Mirror the Job
Although you may consider yourself a Jack/Jill of all trades, you don’t need to include skill sets that are not relevant to the position you’re applying for on your resume, especially in manufacturing. Plants are looking for specific skills to fill a specific role. It is perfectly fine to omit information if it serves no purpose to the position. For example, you may have a well-rounded industrial background. However, you wouldn’t submit the same resume for a forklift driver position as you would for a weaver position. It can also be helpful to change your opening statement or objective to match the specific company or position; think of it as a mini cover letter.

Use Creative Details and Keywords
Use creative and descriptive titles and headings. For example, instead of listing your headings like “Work Experience,” use titles that reflect your unique work history, such as “Machine Operator,” “Managerial Roles,” or “Teaching Achievements.” Similarly, you should avoid using general words, including “many,” “some,” and “few.” The more specific you are, the better the employer can understand what makes you special.

Don’t Fear Facts and Figures
Using numbers on your resume benefits you because numbers jump out to employers. Percentages provide a lot of valuable information, especially if you work in sales or production. For instance, stating you “increased production to 15K” may be exceptional, but the amount is irrelevant to your future employer. Instead, state the percentage so the employer can recognize your influence.

Look Professional
It’s easy to use free resume templates, and many of them work well. Sometimes, though, changing the format can cause technical issues. For instance, if an employer asks you to email your resume, you want to ensure your document transfers and displays how you designed it. You can check your template by saving your document to your email and opening it on different computers. It’s also best to fit your information to one page unless you can fill up more pages completely. That being said, you should still try to have 1-inch margins; if this isn’t feasible, half-inch margins will do. Doing so will ensure that if a job seeker prints your resume, all of your information will be presented.

Also, make sure that your information looks professional. First impressions matter, so if you created an email back in high school like $trongman@xxx.com you should consider changing it to something more professional. You’re applying to a professional job (regardless of your field), so you need a professional email address. Our recommendation is doing firstname.lastname followed by the domain of your preference. The use of an unprofessional email address will get a resume rejected 76% of the time.

Bonus tip: If your name is long or often misspelled by others, try opting for firstinitial.lastname followed by the domain of your preference instead.

Demonstrate Individualism
On average, 118 people apply for a single job. With those statistics, it is imperative for you to prove how you stand out from the other applicants. What makes you different? How value will you bring to the company?

Enhancing your resume will improve your chances of scoring that interview! So, take the time to make sure your resume demonstrates how you can assist the company or employer. Your resume is the best opportunity to plan and prepare, so take advantage and consider changes to make you shine above the others.

No Work Experience, No Problem!
You may be thinking, “I can’t produce a résumé. I’ve never worked a day in my life!” If that is the case, think again! Have you ever participated in an organized event, volunteered, free-lanced, or done chores around the house? Many of the skill sets required to complete these tasks are things that employers look for when hiring for entry-level positions. Don’t discredit yourself and your capabilities. After all, we all have to start somewhere, right?

No-Go on Typos
Be sure to proofread your résumé for grammatical errors and typos. It shows the hiring manager that you care enough about your work to make sure it is correct. It also keeps the hiring manager from making presumptions about you being lazy or unfocused. First impressions are vital when conducting your job search. Make sure your résumé puts your best foot forward.

Writing a resume is not hard, but it does take time. However, landing your dream career takes time and effort. A good resume is the best way to get your foot in the door, and an exceptional resume is the first step in your manufacturing career.

Here are some other career tips in manufacturing, like the importance of soft skills in our Career Tips blog.

About MAU

MAU Workforce Solutions is an innovative global company with extensive experience providing solutions for success in staffing, recruiting, technology and outsourcing to our clients, employees and applicants. Headquartered in Augusta, GA since 1973, MAU is a family and minority-owned company offering better processes and better people to create efficiencies and greater profits for our clients. Our relationships with world-class companies, our training programs and our culture of family allow MAU to offer better results, better jobs and better lives to those who work with us. For additional information about MAU, visit mau.cestg.net.

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